2nd January 2021
Dungiven Regeneration Club Exhibition
We are thrilled to present a new exhibition created by Dungiven Regeneration Club. Dungiven Regeneration Club (DRC) was established in 2015 to advance the arts culture in Dungiven area and to aesthetically regenerate the area through art. The club have been incredibly successful in their aims and have opened a craft shop on Dungiven Main Street to sell the work of local artists and crafters and run creative workshops for the community. For this exhibition the members of the club have submitted works of art that they have created over the lockdown period. The exhibition highlights the wonderful artistic talent in our local Causeway Coast and Glens Borough and is a brilliant example of how the arts can bring a community together and enhance their local area.
Some works are for sale. If you are interested in any artwork, please email esther.alleyne@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk and we thank you for supporting our wonderful local artists.
If you have a community group that you work with, or are a part of, that would like to engage in an art project in partnership with Roe Valley Arts and Cultural Centre, or it’s sister centre in Portstewart, Flowerfeild Arts Centre, please contact esther.alleyne@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk
View the full exhibition here: https://www.roevalleyarts.com/exhibitions/dungiven-regeneration-club-exhibition