26th November 2022

Mayor with artist, Chris Magee and tutor Louie Winward
The brilliant new exhibition, Inside Out by the Pavestone Group opened Saturday 19th November, at Roe Valley Arts and Cultural Centre.
The Pavestone Collective was established in October 2011, by clients who attend the Pavestone Centre, Coleraine. The collective was created through ‘Leisure Quest’, a programme designed to rehabilitate adults with physical or mental health conditions. Members of the Pavestone Collective have met to produce creative art for many years embracing all forms of visual arts for self-expression, skills development, and therapeutic value. Having adapted to producing their creative work through two very challenging years with enthusiasm and imagination, the artists present new work reflecting on our post-covid world.
The Collective have met weekly to produce visual arts for many, many years and continue to go from strength to strength. This exhibition is evidence of the amazing talent the group has developed over the years.
Mayor Ivor Wilson commented:
“The artwork is truly amazing, the creativity and passion for arts that the group have is inspiring and I would encourage everyone to visit the exhibition.”
The exhibition runs until 31st December. Many of the artworks are for sale and would make beautiful Christmas gifts so be sure to stop in and have a look.