Creative Voices: What Autism Means to Me I 7 Jan - 11 Feb 2023


7 January – 11 February 2023

EXHIBITION LAUNCH: Please join us on Saturday 7 January at 1pm. All welcome.

Presented by the Education Authority Autism Advisory and Intervention Service (AAIS) the exhibition Creative Voices: What Autism means to me features over 100 artworks created by autistic pupils from post-Primary schools throughout Northern Ireland.

This exhibition aims to empower our young people, to showcase their incredible creative talents, to listen to the pupil voice and for the wider community to learn more about autism from the personal perspective of our autistic pupils.

Offering invaluable insight and understanding, artworks include drawings and paintings alongside personal quotations by the young artists, and is a feast for the eyes!

“I am unique. I am proud to be different. To me, autism is having a different outlook on the world” - Asher

“Autism makes me unique and makes my mind work differently. It gives me my creativity and allows me to express myself” - Ella

“Autism to me is a superpower. Autism allows me to remember things in descriptive detail, come up with creative solutions and be me in all ways of life. I feel that if I didn’t have autism, I would be just another boring, regular person” - Donncha

We also have some accompanying creative activities for autistic children and their parents. Arts & Well-being creative sessions for kids aged 6-10 years and parent are on:

  • Saturday 28 January from 10.30am-12.30pm + 1-2.30pm
  • Saturday 25 February from 10.30am-12.30pm + 1-2.30pm
  • Saturday 25 March from 10.30am-12.30pm + 1-2.30pm

Click here for more information and to book

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